A theater play based on A. Schnitzler

«The characters live in the reality or in the world of dreams. The real life is substituted of fantasies and dreams - all is dissolving, breaking to pieces, increasing...» - Arthur Schnitzler

«...modern interpretation of the old piece is sharp, about which the students in theatrical high schools are told, but the statement of which storytellers-teachers did not see by themselves. Combining the modernity, playing not only the external style, which is difficult in itself (not always possible, but when it is possible, as in a wedding scene with an exquisite and mechanically parade couples - looks gorgeous), and also a philosophy, so in tune with the current mood - the escape from reality, but - in the world of beauty...»

"Strastnoy Boulevard, 10" monthly magazine


Диплом за лучшую режиссуру, диплом за лучшее музыкальное оформление спектакля «Страсти Пьеровы» на Фестивале студенческих театров России «Новый взгляд» (г. Санкт-Петербург)
Диплом Лауреата фестиваля, диплом за лучший актёрский ансамбль, диплом за оригинальное режиссёрское решение спектакля. Всероссийский фестиваль студенческих и молодёжных театров «Театральная революция» (Тюмень, 2007)

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